“ Every girl... a treasure “
Shirat Halev provides a home and hollistic rehabilitation to young women with no home to return to.

Who we are

For the past ten years Rebetzin Yael has taken in young girls from haredi, religious and non - religious backgrounds without a roof or family to go home to. Girls who have left their families, many having suffered physical or sexual violence and instead of spending their days and nights roaming the streets they have a home with us.

On the mission to expand her impact, Rebetzin Yael founded “Shirat Halev”. The organisation help these girls by providing shelter, psychological assistance and support in order to help them take a step forward towards an independent, meaningful and beautiful life.  

About Us

Hollistic Rehabilitation, with love.

Shirat Halev provides an individualized rehabilitation program for each girl with our professional and experienced staff.

A Place to Call Home
Our mission is to create a safe, secure and stable environment for each girl. A home to come home to, with a feeling of acceptance, home and family. We currently have  three apartments in central Jerusalem.

Psychologial support
Each girl is in need of professional support including psychological and emotional treatement as well as individual guidance. We emphasise mental health as a foundation to able to lead functional and flourising lives.

A step towards the future
Together with each girl we create a roadmap to develop her future. Be it via academia, scholarship guidance or entering the work force. We also provide love, support and guidance in their personal lives.
Rebetzin Yael


“We have helped over one hundred young ladies, whom today have rehabilitated, support themselves, start studying, establish their own families, and continue onwards and upwards towards a meaningful and fulfilling life.”

“Shirat Halev was a home, when I had no home. Words can’t describe my appreciation.. I know where I could have ended up without the help of Rebetzin Yael..”

Watch to learn more about us.

Help these young girls have a chance at life.
Every day we continue to receive requests from dozens of girls who need a home, rehabilitation and support. Unfortunately, the demand for an available spot in the apartments and the rehabilitation process exceeds our resources.  Please be a part of their story today.
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